Motorhead's Lemmy Killmister Calls Presidential Candidate Mitt Romney A 'F***king Monster'

Elections are tomorrow and Barack Obama and Mitt Romney are going to find out who won the presidential election! Are you ready to vote? This election has gotten quite heated between the republicans and the democrats. While all these political conventions are being shown on the news, bass player for Motorhead Lemmy decides to say something about it.

It all started with a recent Rolling Stone magazine discussion about Chuck Berry and so on. The journalist for the magazine, Patrick Doyle sharing an experience he had with Chuck Berry. He got teared up while saying, "My dad said, 'I don’t know if we'll live to see it, but one day we will (have an African-American President)– and thank God that I have."'

What was Lemmy's response? "I would have said America wasn't ready for it. And I don’t think they were, because they're trying to drag him down now," begins Lemmy. "I mean, the poor f****er's only just gotten rid of all that George Bush s**it that he left, or is trying to. And he's being stonewalled by the f***king Congress all the time. I don't know how he's gotten anything done. They should be glad. I mean the alternative is Mitt Romney. Please, please don't vote for Mitt Romney. F***k him. Repeal abortion law is the first thing he'll do. F***king monster."

The statement was rather deep and very open if you ask me. He didn't watch the debates though. His response, "I couldn't bear it."

I am actually quite confused by all this political debates and speeches. One says one thing the other says another. When I first started watching the conventions I was on Romney's side for a while. Then after seeing the democratic convention, I was on Obama's side. I decide to do my own research and find out what has really happened. After learning about Obama and Romney, I went for Obama. Romney just accused Obama of doing nothing when he did. Romney's speeches became lies to me over the debates I saw. Who are you voting for?


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