Alice does it again! Our legendary rock frontman gave a awesome show at Bonnaro 2012. He gave a 90 minute jaw-drooping performance. Almost 45 years in the music industry and Alice cooper still has it going on. This was probably one very incredible show in his career. I don't think anyone expected him to sing a Lady Gaga song! Did you!? I sure didn't! I Admit though, Gaga is good with her music. This wonderful full man that brings joy to my ears is in the Rock and Roll hall of Fame as one of the greatest frontmans in history! Do I agree? Yes of course! Who wouldn't? Alice Cooper to me is one of my idols and i love love love his music very much. Hes been making new albums since the mid 70s. I give him props. Well ol' black eyes can pretty much make any song rock! Imagine what he will do next. Maybe a cover of Rihanna? Eh, I'd rather he stick to Gaga songs. During that performance they bought out a giant Halloween-inspired Gaga. I bet fans went crazy for that. They even called it "FrankenGaga". Sounds like a pretty awesome show worth watching doesn't it? Well i just hope our dear Alice Cooper will keep his music and performances going. He is, to me, iconic rock music frontman that honestly deserves a Noble Prize. Ha ha i doubt they will give any frontman that prize! Let's all cross our fingers and hope they do. Do you think Alice Cooper's work deserves something bigger or is it fine?
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