Jonathan Davis Steps Out Of 'Twins Of Evil' Tour

Sad news everyone! JDevil will no longer join the two rock icons Rob Zombie and Marilyn Manson for their tour 'Twins of Evil' due to his exhaustion.

He has had one busy year! From supporting Korn's album 'The Path of Totality' to being an electronic music DJ.  That's a lot to keep up with and it led to exhaustion for the artist. He informed his fans about him backing out of the tour via Facebook post. It read:

 "Hey Guys- we wanted to let you know right away that JDevil will no longer be able to join Rob Zombie and Marilyn Manson on their co-headlining Twins Of Evil Tour this October. Due to exhaustion from his recent eight week overseas tour with KORN, Jonathan’s doctors have ordered him to refrain from any travel and performing for the next few weeks while he recuperates. We got this from management: “Jonathan is really bummed right now and regrets having to disappoint anyone, especially his fans and his good friends Marilyn Manson and Rob.” We’ll keep you updated here, everyone expects he’ll be back on track soon."

Jonathan Davis not only posted on Facebook but he also tweeted to his fans, "I'm sorry guys. My head and my body are really f****ed up. Back on meds trying to get better. Dr. said no way I could perform. F***k! I’m sorry. I really love you guys. I’m so depressed."

That really does suck! I recall him saying he was excited about the tour! Remember my older blog post about it? Well here is the bubble burster! "I like to think of JDevil as the ‘anti-christ’ of EDM. To play along side Zombie and Manson is going to be a f****ing sinister night all around, and an unbelievable experience. I can’t wait."

Well the show must go on! Manson and Zombie will still tour even if JDevil will be out! Catch them September 28. in Phoenix! 


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