Axl Rose Falls Face First at Hellfest

Poor Axl, he is considered a brilliant face plant in the rock n' roll history. Why? He fell at the 2012 Hellfest in Clisson, France. How did he fall? He tripped on the stairs of the drum's rise and fell face first. Sounds painful huh? Axl's sunglasses managed to stay on. However, his black cowboy hat fell off. What song was he singing? The classic GNR track' Sweet Child O Mine'. After hi fall he got up quickly and continued his performance. He started of with the wrong verse but he put himself back together and continued. I give him props though. He didn't mess up the performance. This is not the firs time he's fallen on stage though. Axl fell backwards in Liverpool, England. Backwards, everyone hates falling that way. you don't know what your going to hit. I know i hate it. Russia, he fell off the table! "Was he drink?" was the first thing that went through my mind. Trip or no trip I still enjoy seeing GNR perform. Axl is a great vocalist and no one would call him klutz or whatever for falling. They are there for the music! Overall, he delivers great performances. I like Axl Rose, he has a legendary voice. What do you think about his falling during GNR performances? (To watch click link below)

Axl Fall during 'Sweet O Child Of Mine'


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