Axl Rose Gets Jacked!

Sucks for our Guns N' Roses frontman but $200,000 of jewelry was stolen from him. Things just has to get worse for him! He's injured his leg, fallen on stage and now this? This is somewhat a example of living hell. They have had change and glass thrown at them! Not nice at all. Fans have even walked out because they take so darn long to start the performance. Now what jewels will he wear on stage? Either way he has to perform. But damn that really sucks. His days couldn't have gone worse. If had lost jewelry worth that much I most likely would have had some sort of panic attack! Who wouldn't? Someone just stole your valuable things. I wonder if hes going to get them back or just replace them. Those things probably meant a lot to him. No one knows for sure. So I say no one should be going around saying "oh, just forget it already, you have money , your rich, buy new ones" Well maybe he doesn't want to and those necklaces had some sort of meaning to them. They would for me if I paid that much. How would you react if this happened to you?


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